Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy Cola (Geoff)

Front Side of bag.
Back side of bag

   Hey everyone, first off sorry for the long wait between posts I've been very busy for the last 2 months! But I'm through the busy time and ready to start reviewing again. Side note I know this review was supposed to be from Blair but unfortunately it was lost ,so I'm now reviewing it myself. Blair's review will be posted soon. So here it is Happy Cola from Haribo. Haribo is a very big company in the gummy industry and is well known for great candies, I will be posting on many of their candies on this site.                                       Happy Cola is a great example of  how Haribo  is successful, the gummy is almost perfect on a "Cola" taste. When you first start to eat it you instantly think of a Cola type product. I love this although I don't really like the flavor in a gummy. Now on to the texture its classic Haribo soft but not sticky almost the perfect texture in a gummy! I love Haribo and Happy Cola is no exception. SCORE: Texture= 9 out of 10 Bears, Flavor= 8 out of 10Bears. OVERALL: 8.5 out of 10 Bears.